I think a big dilemma Christians face is the principle of being in the world but not of the world. Every Christian seems to deal with this differently. Although I’m sure none of us think about it all the time, it effects so many decisions we make on a daily basis. I won’t be the one to draw the line because its obviously something I struggle with all the time. But I do like to think about reaching other people for Christ like this: Church is our element, it tends to be comfortable for us but it is not that way for a non Christian. All of us tend to just invite our non Christian friends to church and let the church do the job of sharing who Jesus is. It also allows us to stay out of this person’s world. I’m not saying church isn’t a valuable place for you to bring people, but just like you don’t want to go to a bar on a weekend, they don’t want to go to church. So how can we be IN the world of the non Christian yet stay away from being OF the world…
1. Many of us Christians only listen to Christian music. On the radio this is Klove or the Fish or Air1. No this isn’t bad and I think the quality and quantity of Christian music has expanded greatly in the past 5 to 10 years. But what do we have in common with a non Christian by only listening to this………NOTHING. Can Christian music be used to reach a non Christian? well of course, but it certainly won’t work for everyone. Give secular music a try without overdoing it and listening to Britney’s new album (how is that crap #1 on iTunes?). There are tons of a great artists out there, use them to create a relationship with someone.