Irresistible Revolution .12

Chapter 12 of Irresistible Revolution is called “Growing Smaller and Smaller…Until We Take Over the World.” This title is inspired by mega churches. Shane is questioning what kind of gospel we are preaching in the US that allows us to have these huge churches. The Bible talks about it being harder for a camel to slide through the eye of a needle than a rich person to enter into heaven. To him, clearly this message isn’t being portrayed in churches or they would be a lot less crowded.

I thought hard and I could not think of anytime in church where I had heard the idea of the Christian faith growing smaller (yes I know, that is weird wording he uses). Here is how he comes to this idea.

  1. He thinks in America the church has offered cheap grace. This idea of “accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and come to church on Sundays and tithe.” There is little personal sacrifice needed except from the wallet.
  2. Churches often have visions, plans, growth ideas, but lost in these huge ideas is caring for those around us. Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes, “The person who loves their dream of community will destroy community (even if their intentions are ever so earnest), but the person who loves those around them will create community.”
  3. To enter the kingdom of God we must become like little children.
  4. Acts 6:1-6 talks about a community structure within the early church that provided for widows and orphans before anything else.

So while you might have been thinking Claiborne was talking about smaller in number he wasn’t. I see him talking about how our huge God decided to become human. He is talking about how the kingdom is inherited for those who become like children. Amidst our society that values big ideas, Shane is talking about a gospel that reaches out to the small.

One thought of mine is that Shane has spent a lot of this chapter talking about reaching the poor for Jesus. Going to the small of the world and serving them. I understand the gospel to be for everyone. Gay, straight, rich, poor, black, white…etc. He hasn’t given any talk to a churches ability to reach the rich (as difficult as the Bible makes it sound) in our churches. Do you have any thoughts on this in light of a gospel of small?