This weekend we will have over 70 people on the stage, it is crowded and we have a big stage.
We had rehearsal last night and it went really really well. It is amazing how great a practice can go when people come prepared. This makes my job (and those who work with me) much much easier.
The service is going to open with a drum line followed by the choir and orchestra. So if you are coming, you DO NOT want to be late. The drum line is off the hook and they start at the top of the hour.
Huge props to Jill and Scott, the drummers, the choir, and the orchestra.
Most of you know anything with a choir and orchestra isn’t really my forte of music. I don’t go out of my way to buy this kind of music. That being said, the song is incredible. I was sitting in the seats last night (cause I don’t play on this song) during the run through of this song and I was just totally blown away. I think this song and the service exudes the power of the Resurrection. Can’t wait until Saturday night and Sunday morning.
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