This is the last in a series of three different distinctives that separate how postmoderns view faith and church from their predecessors.
3. Freedom from Foundationalism
Definition of foundationalism- the theory that at the bottom of all human knowledge is a set of internally justified beliefs. This foundation does not require external justification.
Basic Meaning- the idea that one way of thinking is correct and all others are not.
I first heard of this word and theory from Tony Jones in his new book The New Christians. You can pick up chapter 1 for free here. Both sides of the political scheme in America hold to foundational beliefs that make up the core differences between the parties. It is these differences that are not negotiable with either side. You see this within fundamental Christianity. There are certain things that are not negotiable as far as what is acceptable and unacceptable.
Postmoderns do not like this frame of mind. While they can easily hold to strong beliefs, they do not make these beliefs non negotiable or view them as perfect. I mean this in a broader way than just spiritual faith.
- Less judgmental
- Allows people to be open to other people and other ideas. I think this openness allows other people to be open to Christianity.
- A negative attitude towards other beliefs breeds a negative attitude in others towards your beliefs. A positive attitude toward other beliefs breeds a positive attitude in others towards your beliefs.
- This has potential to lead right into relativism in many areas. This, as I’ve said before, is the biggest problem that we will face right now. Many, many Christians today doubt whether Jesus is the ONLY way. This rebellion from foundationalism has produced a relativistic mindset in many.
So what do you think of these 3? Am I right or wrong?