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Yesterday I led worship for both of our services (or gatherings, whichever word you prefer). For those of you who read this blog but do not attend my church, we have 2 different services. Our 9am service is a blended service of contemporary and traditional elements, and our 11am service is more casual and contemporary in nature. The message is the same in both services.
Yesterday’s 9am set:
- Open the Eyes of My Heart (E)
- Welcome w/ Scripture reading (Isaiah 6:1-8)
- Revelation Song/Holy, Holy, Holy (D)
- Scripture reading
- A Broken Spirit
- Amazing Grace
- You Are Near (A)
- Special: Deliver Me (Crowder, F#)
Yesterday’s 11am set:
- You Are My Joy (B)
- Welcome w/ Scripture reading (Isaiah 6:1-8)
- Revelation Song/Holy, Holy, Holy (D)
- Scripture reading
- From the Inside Out (C)
- My Soul Sings (C)
- Special: Deliver Me (Crowder, F#)
This is only the 2nd time I’ve led in the 9am service and it was actually quite “easy” this time. I was surrounded by uber talented vocalists and our piano extraordinaire Jill (piano is the key instrument in the 9). This combination allowed me to focus on worshiping instead of leading.
We did Deliver Me in both services in conjunction with a special offering taken for Orphans Overseas, an international justice and family support agency that has offices at Sunset.
I loved the flow of both sets simply because of the Scripture reading. Not very often do we read anything longer than a verse or two during a worship set. And not very often do Christians actually bring their Bibles to church because of the gift of powerpoint, so I had everyone open up the Bibles that we have in the backs of all the seats. I wanted the worship to have a sense of flowing right out of what the Bible says, and I think that was accomplished. The band was solid and gelled really well this weekend. I was very blessed to be able to work with all of them.
My Soul Sings was a new song for us. Hard to tell if it caught on the first time, but I just love the chorus to that song and I’m excited to do it again next weekend.
In the early afternoon all of our acoustic and electric guitarists got together for almost 3 hours for a guitar workshop put on by myself and Ben. The people on the worship team give up so much for this ministry and I am so incredibly grateful. It was a long day, but a great day.
How was your weekend at church?