I’m excited to not dress up for Halloween…but that is because I’m lame. I’m excited for basketball season to start next week. I’m excited that gas prices are plummeting…I’m not excited that they are dropping only because the stock market has tanked.
- Pete at Without Wax on gender specific nonverbal communication. Sad but true.
- Other words for blended worship. This was a total blast to read.
- Soundscapes. Breath-taking.
- What difference does worship music actually make?
- Different but equal. Interesting thoughts on women in church leadership.
- Should have posted this a month ago. Dan Kimball, the author of The Emerging Church (a book that changed my life), says the phrase emerging church no longer has any meaning. This is worth the 5 minute read, it really is.
- Sadly the biggest political news of the week was the McCain volunteer who got beaten by a crazy Obama supporter. I say sadly because she made up the whole story.
- How Obama could lose.
- Both Obama and McCain are both out to lunch with their economic plans.
- By now everyone knows that the Republican party spent $150k on Palin and her family for clothes and accessories. The bad part is that I’m sure Obama’s suits cost even more. And both candidates say they want to help the poor…well I know where they can start!!!
- Why does Obama’s trip to see his grandma have to become a story about his character in the media?
- Pray for the Hudson family.
Sunny and 67 in Portland…all week! Don’t be too jealous.