#2 Eugene Cho
Back in July I wrote about the 5 blogs that have shaped me the most. They have shaped me as someone in seminary, someone in ministry, and someone who blogs. I thought it would be great to learn more from these men, so I contacted them all and was able to ask some of them some questions.
Carlos blogs at Ragamuffin Soul, and has quite the following. His blog is incredible. Great content, and a great community of people from all walks of life. He is the Director of Service Programming at Buckhead Church in Atlanta, which is connected with North Point Community Church. Before working at Buckhead, Carlos was the worship pastor at Sandals Church in Riverside, California.
- What is the best advice you’ve been given?
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
- What is the number one reason you blog?
To ignite a movement of authenticity among all generations of Christians that morphs the face of the evangelical church into a place of being real with yourself, others, and God.
- Who has influenced you the most and how have they influenced you?
I would have to say my former pastor Matt Brown.
- What are the best/worst parts of church ministry for you?
Best // Seeing lives change and seeing my life change. Worst // Seeing lives not change and seeing my life not change.
- What is the best thing that has happened to you or with you because of blogging?
This job!!!