Fortuitous Bouncing

Only one week left for the semester. But what a week it is going to be. I have so much to do it makes my head hurt.

Last year our tree was about 2 feet tall…this year we’ve upgraded to 5 feet! Pretty sweet.


  1. For those of you who enjoy reading I want to thoroughly recommend the Cultural Encounters journal. It is a twice-yearly compilation of articles written by many scholars. Why am I recommending it? Well first off, it provides much more depth than most books. Secondly, it is a part of the New Wine, New Wineskins program at my seminary.
  2. The absolute BEST blog written on Prop 8. An absolute must read.
  3. Shane Claiborne with some good thoughts on Black Friday, which he calls “Buy Nothing Day.”
  4. How to beat bloggers block. Yes…bloggers block.
  5. Are you a Mark Driscoll fan? Well this is your lucky day. You can go to Greece and Israel on a tour led by him.
  6. Do your part of letting your voice be heard on the possible Freedom of Choice Act.
