Only one week left for the semester. But what a week it is going to be. I have so much to do it makes my head hurt.
Last year our tree was about 2 feet tall…this year we’ve upgraded to 5 feet! Pretty sweet.
- For those of you who enjoy reading I want to thoroughly recommend the Cultural Encounters journal. It is a twice-yearly compilation of articles written by many scholars. Why am I recommending it? Well first off, it provides much more depth than most books. Secondly, it is a part of the New Wine, New Wineskins program at my seminary.
- The absolute BEST blog written on Prop 8. An absolute must read.
- Shane Claiborne with some good thoughts on Black Friday, which he calls “Buy Nothing Day.”
- How to beat bloggers block. Yes…bloggers block.
- Are you a Mark Driscoll fan? Well this is your lucky day. You can go to Greece and Israel on a tour led by him.
- Do your part of letting your voice be heard on the possible Freedom of Choice Act.
- A new popular form of blogging is called slow blogging. I dig it.
- Going to college is becoming less and less affordable. I concur…when college costs more than rent you have a problem.
- The Episcopal Church is in the midst of a split over gay bishops. I want so badly to say I told you so, but I won’t (wait…I just did, sorry).
- An interview with Rick Warren about his new book The Purpose of Christmas.
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