
The past few months I’ve had a lot more visitors to this blog than before. So this is me welcoming all of you and encouraging you to subscribe to this blog through a feed reader or through email.

Subscribing with a Reader: There are a lot of readers out there (Bloglines, Google Reader, Yahoo, Microsoft Outlook, etc). I use Google Reader because it seems to be the easiest to use with a lot of extra benefits. You can subscribe through RSS (Real Simple Syndication) by going HERE.

Subscribing with Email: Everyone uses email. So if getting all set up with a feed reader seems like too much work for you, then getting the posts emailed to you is the way to go. To subscribe by email go HERE.

Subscribing to the comments: One of the toughest things about blogging is keeping up with the comments on various blogs. You can subscribe to all the comments on my posts by going HERE.

Looking forward to your comments.