Fortuitous Bouncing

Today was one heck of a dreary day in Oregon. The high temperature was 35, the low was 29. It was pretty foggy the entire day. Maybe we’ll get to see the sun sometime soon.

If you have a great blog post or piece of news that you want me to link to, let me know with the contact page (link to that up above).


  1. Is Christianity cool?
  2. My mother in law wrote a wonderful tribute to the Eagle Lady of Homer.
  3. What happens when newspapers no longer exist? The day is coming soon, at least in the traditional sense of what a newspaper is.
  4. Maybe we shouldn’t have been surprised with the news about Sam Adams.
  5. On the week of the Roe V. Wade Anniversary, John Piper brought it towards Obama. I mean brought it…you’ll see (Video Embedded below)
  6. [youtube=]
