Re-Thinking Church and The Simple Way

churchToday I have a chance to hear from Dan Kimball, Len Sweet, Frank Viola, Alan Hirsch, and a few others. They are a part of a seminar at my alma mater George Fox University. The seminar is called Recalibrating Concepts of Church and I’m hoping it will flow really well from my post yesterday on the future of the local church.

I have immense respect and admiration for all of those men and their influence on evangelicalism and Christianity.

If you are going to that I’d love to connect with you during the afternoon, leave a comment or message me on Twitter and we’ll meet up.

I’ll be sure to post something afterward because I’m sure there will be a ton of great stuff. I’ll definitely be Twittering throughout the seminar too so be sure to check out my Twitter between 2pm and 6pm West Coast Time.

On Friday night I’m really excited to hear from Shane Claiborne, who is part of The Simple Way in Philadelphia. His book, Irresistible Revolution, is still one of the best books I’ve read in a number of years. It’s influence on me remains even to today. I’ve never heard him speak, but I know he will be great. If you’re going Friday night at Mosaic in Portland let me know by commenting or find me on Twitter and we can connect that way as well. Hopefully I’ll be able to meet some of you commenters in person. That would be awesome.