Fortuitous Bouncing

Rose and I are headed to Salem this weekend to see my family and lead worship at New Harvest (my dad is a pastor there). It will be our first weekend away from Sunset in 4 months…weird.

My dad and I will be renewing our golf rivalry at 2pm PST. It usually isn’t much of a rivalry but I only play a few times a year which gives him a chance to keep up with me 🙂


  1. Shane Claiborne on why he got arrested on Good Friday.
  2. Jonathan Brink raised quite a stir with his post questioning Origins on why they are not including women on their leadership team. Some good dialogue in the comments too.
  3. Rhett Smith has been blogging about bi-vocational ministry and he offers some great thoughts.
  4. Eugene Cho shares 3 encouragements toward making churches more multicultural.
  5. John Piper on unity in the midst of differences that come with a large church staff. How can you not love what he has to say (most of the time)?
  6. “If I were Mark Driscoll.”
  7. My most popular post this week.


Spring is beautiful in Oregon this year.