Fortuitous Bouncing

Now that the Blazers are out of the playoffs I’m not near as interested in the playoffs until the Finals, which will be the Cavs and Lakers, and LeBron is going to win his first title.

My certainty of it all kind of takes the excitement out of it.

By the way…I’m never wrong about these things.


  1. My new favorite church sign.
  2. The debacle Adam is going through to become ordained in the PCUSA is exactly why denominations are dying and exactly why I’m glad that my church left the PCUSA.
  3. Tony Morgan on the new traditional church music we are creating.
  4. What does your church space say about what your church values?
  5. Rhett Smith recently did a 4 part series on areas church employees need to rethink. Definitely worth a read.
  6. Shane Claiborne: who would Jesus bomb?
