Reaching Those Detached from Church

Part One // A Culture of Confession

Part Two // The Problem with Salvation and Forgiving Grace

We’ve been looking at confession in the context of the local church gathering, and also how our view of salvation affects our ability to experience forgiveness in confession. It is something that God has been working on in my heart the past few weeks.

I could be wrong, but the I think the number one way people become disenfranchised by church is through the legalism church presents. We are taught to live holy and moralistic lives in order that God might bless us. This type of teaching creates 2 things:

  1. A misunderstanding of what blessing is.
  2. A lack of grace.

I see this as a problem with Christianity and I think it is a problem that the confessing church overcomes.

You might be thinking that I’m viewing confession as a license to sin, but really all I’m saying is that God desires us to acknowledge our sin with him and with each other.

(You can watch the video here RSS readers)


My first thing I thought after watching this:

We need to be a confessing church in order to reach those who are not being reached.

(HT: Desiring God)