
I took a glance at my Sitemeter hits the other day and realized this blog was creeping up on 100,000 hits. You might be wondering what the number means. Basically that number is representative of unique visits, not page views, so it is legit. Lots of “hits counters” count not only hits but page views into the same number and it is inaccurate because of that.

It is pretty humbling to see that many people have come here even though I’ve never thought of myself as a writer.

Money tends to be pretty tight around our household since we’re both in school and both working part time, but I wanted to do something for you the reader.

So…the person who visits my blog on exactly the 100,000th hit will get a Powell’s Bookstore $10 gift certificate. It should be able to buy you a book on their website or if you live in Portland, at their store. If you’re in Portland it would be fun to meet up there and hang out in the Red Room and have some World Cup coffee.

All you need to do to win is take a screen shot of the SiteMeter tracker (down towards the bottom right of the sidebar) of the number 100,000 and email it to me at tybraun//@//gmail.com

Good luck.