Sovereignty // Tyler Braun

This post is a part of the Sovereignty of God Blog Series going on throughout the months of July and August. You can read about the series and see a schedule of the posts here. You can subscribe to all the posts here.

Today’s post is from me, Tyler, the author of You can read more about me here.

I remember asking my theology professor if he had ever changed his opinion on how much sovereignty God exerts. He simply said that he and almost all the rest of the professors changed and continue to change all the time. I think that says volumes about this topic. I certainly want to come to some sort of conclusion, but I also want to recognize that God-fearing, educated, men and women, are unable to land on something and stick with it.

And I think that is what I’ve loved most about this entire series. People from various perspectives and opinions have shared thoughts and have been able to have dialogue about this topic. While the goal should always be to come to know and understand who God is in a deeper way, we should always be able to having a thoughtful, caring discussion.

The Bible says that God causes things to happen, and it also says that God changes his mind. Sure we could come to agree on one of those, and then find a way to explain the other, but let’s be honest…none of the explanations make much sense. Somehow God is both of these things: static and fluid.

The question you ask is: how is that even possible? Can something truly be static and fluid?

And to that I would say: I don’t know, but I think it has to be. Because if the Bible is truly saying that God can cause future things to happen, and God can also change his mind, then clearly he is both.

Romans 8:28 is one of the most popular verses in the Bible. It essentially says that God causes good things to happen to those who love him. This verse only makes sense if God has the ability to cause things to happen. In no other way can you read that verse and believe it to be true.

Jeremiah 3:6-7 is not one of the most popular Bible readings. It essentially says that God thought that Israel would do something, but they did not. This verse only makes sense if God does not know everything, and has not caused everything to be as it is. In no other way can you read those verses and believe it to be true.

As I’ve studied throughout the summer my favorite verse to rely on is Isaiah 55:8 // “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.

I think so much of today’s theology is trying to put God within human limits (and clearly God has done that in some respects through the incarnation), yet God himself has stated that he isn’t like us.

In day to day relationship with Christ I find myself interacting with His sovereignty in these ways:

  • Trusting in faith that he has good for me.
  • Knowing that part of my future is up to me.
  • Relying on the Holy Spirit to show me that good way.

I’d wholeheartedly welcome your thoughts.