Fortuitous Bouncing

I’ve been at Idea Camp Pacific Northwest this weekend. Great event being held in Portland. The speakers and conversations I’ve had have been wonderful, but more than anything it has been so great to meet and get to know people I only previously knew through Twitter.

For all the weird looks I get when I carry around and wear a helmet, it paid off yesterday. I took a pretty good spill on 5th Street in downtown Portland yesterday. My head was rattled pretty good, but I would have been unconscious without a helmet.


  1. How not to lead worship.
  2. Good review by Relevant Magazine on Jesse Rice’s new book “The Church of Facebook.” Check him out, he just moved to Portland a few months ago.
  3. Kent Shaffer shared an interesting post on the issues with church via the white man.
  4. Really enjoyed this post from fellow seminarian Jeff on whether Christians should try to convert non-Christians. His position is one I quite agree with.
  5. Skye Jethani has a take on scrutinizing church leadership that is quite refreshing if you ask me.
  6. A Christian seminarian professor explains why he agrees that crosses should be taken out of classrooms.

More Blogs (No News This Weekend)

The Christmas season is about to begin (I say about to because I firmly believe it should start after Thanksgiving, not before Halloween like most retailers seem to think).