It isn’t often Rose and I are able to get away for a day. Most days we work opposite schedules where we see each other in the morning and evening for about an hour total. A couple weeks ago, while her family was in town, we decided to head to our favorite place: Silver Creek Falls State Park.
Back in May of 2006, I proposed to Rose under the Lower South Falls (the second waterfall in the video). Since then it has remained a top spot to visit. That day back in 2006, it was in the mid 50s and raining. 2 weeks ago when we went, it was clear, 30 degrees, and very icy.
Here is a video I put together of our time at the park(not to brag, but the videos and pictures were shot on my Droid):
[Vimeo= w=580&h=326.25]
(If you can’t see the video, come here to watch it)
What is your favorite place to visit?