Fortuitous Bouncing

Easter is typically the time when we ring in spring, but not in Portland. At least not this year. Most of the week it has been windy, very wet, and in the low 40s. Not exactly the best outdoor weather.

I’ve really enjoyed doing some social media stuff for The Mentoring Project. It has given me an outlet beyond just my own personal stuff to create positive impact for a great cause.

Lot’s of really quality posts and articles to read this week. Feel free to start a conversation about any of these posts in the comments. That is part of the reason I post all these links; to hear what some of you have to say about them.


  1. It seems both me and Archbishop Tutu are underwhelmed by “reconciliation” within politics in the USA.
  2. The big boom heard round Portland on Sunday night made major social media news, and in turn…the New York Times. Awesome.
  3. Tony Morgan has some interesting thoughts on keeping people happy in church.
  4. A prayer for those in need (very powerful).
  5. Julie Clawson has a word of warning regarding the World Water Week that took place last week.
  6. Eugene Cho is thrilled to support a church in Texas that is giving away more than $1 million in stuff to Easter attenders. Actually he isn’t supporting it, and neither am I. How do these pastors get jobs and support?

More Blogs

Have a wonderful Easter weekend. Hopefully a warmer and brighter one than mine.