I’ve never seen Iron Man so I don’t think it makes much sense for me to go see the 2nd in the series, even though everyone else in America seems to be doing that.
Even though I was only taking one class, the relief that comes from finishing another semester is incredible. My outlook on life became a lot more positive right after I finished my final exam.
- I thought Dallas Willard had some great insight on assessing spiritual growth.
- Despite what some pastors might say, devotions aren’t magic.
- Interesting take on the war on drugs. Thought provoking for sure.
- There has been a lot of news about Craigslist and their personal ads over the past few weeks. Anne Jackson has some thoughts on why Christians shouldn’t boycott Craigslist.
- Eugene Cho shares why he is in ministry. Encouraging to me.
- Are you a Slacktivist?
More Blogs This Week
- Interesting post on how teenagers use cellphones. From my experience, this information is fairly accurate.
- Dan Kimball’s church, Vintage Faith, is looking for several interns. This could be a wonderful opportunity for some of you.
- Interesting post about this generation of people who are making poverty personal.
- Hilarious.