On the back wall of the stage in my church’s main sanctuary we have a cross. Now and then we cover it up to put up some type of design so the stage and sanctuary has a different look and feel.
Most often we then put out another cross somewhere on the stage, but now and then we forget and no cross is displayed on the stage. Come Monday, there are usually a few people who are saddened and angered that no cross was displayed on Sunday morning. For them, not seeing a cross on stage is a barrier in worship and makes them feel like we are moving away from the roots of our Christian faith.
I’ve always been of the mind that I shouldn’t NEED anything to worship Jesus. Once I start establishing a list of things that must be in place for me to worship, I begin to worship the list instead of Jesus.
But I do know that I am wrong about some things and I could be wrong in this case.
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