25 months ago I wrote what I think is my longest blog post ever, entitled “My Church Manifesto.” A truly arrogant title, and a post that I was and am clearly under-qualified to write.
In the post I outlined some specific changes I see the local church going through in the short-term and long-term future. If you’re new to reading this blog, I’d highly encourage you to read it and especially check out the comments after the post.
Anytime I write about the struggles and/or future of the local church in Western culture there’s always someone who quotes “the gates of Hades will not prevail against it,” to prove that somehow every local church is safe from difficult times. I believe the verse is true, but I also believe it to be true of the church, as the body of Christ, comprised of all believers, not all churches.
I’m working on putting together a post that follows up the long manifesto post (I promise, it will be shorter), but I’d love to hear from some of you as I prepare it.