Fortuitous Bouncing

According to my math, we’re going on 2.5 weeks of sunshine and temperatures between 75* and 85* here in Portland. Don’t tell anyone though. We like that people think it rains all the time here. I haven’t even turned on the air conditioning yet this summer.

One weird thing about me. Far and away my favorite dessert is ice cream. We had dinner with friends last week and the dessert was rhubarb pie. It was decent, but it doesn’t hold a candle to some delicious ice cream.


  1. I really enjoy Twitter but I don’t like seeing that Newt Gingrich boosted his follower numbers by paying a company to create fake accounts to follow him. Very lame.
  2. 10 things Brett McCracken has learned in his 10 years since starting college. He’s a couple of years older than me but a lot of these are similar learnings for me. “When you grow up in the Christian bubble, go to the “Christian Harvard” for college, and regularly attend esoteric theological conferences, it’s easy to forget that most Christians in the world don’t live in an insular faith-based bubble.”
  3. Solid post from Chris Brogan on social media fatigue. We’ve all been there at one point or another. “The opportunity is for us to make something interesting and worthwhile, to be helpful, to empower others, to encourage and inspire others. If we’re fatigued, let’s all wake up.”
  4. I’d be remiss to not post links for Don Miller’s posts for ladies and dudes on dating/sex/life. It seems everyone read them and talked about them this week.
  5. Jon Acuff figured out the secret to success for Mumford and Sons.
  6. Easily the best Christian album I’ve heard since Gungor’s Beautiful Things.
  7. Nicholas Kristof writes a lot of excellent editorial pieces for the NY Times and this one inspired by the life and ministry of the great John Stott is up there among the best. “Evangelicals are disproportionately likely to donate 10 percent of their incomes to charities, mostly church-related. More important, go to the front lines, at home or abroad, in the battles against hunger, malaria, prison rape, obstetric fistula, human trafficking or genocide, and some of the bravest people you meet are evangelical Christians (or conservative Catholics, similar in many ways) who truly live their faith.”

Grace and Peace.