Guest Blogging

Some of my favorite posts on this blog have been written by other people in part of the various blog series I’ve hosted (you can read them here).

I’m not ignorant enough to believe that my writing and voice is the only one needed to be heard which is why I always try to link to other stories. I believe that more perspective is almost always better than less.

I’d love to hear from other readers of this blog and other writers in general.

For some writers this will be a great chance to be read by lots of new eyes.

A few simple guidelines:

  • Topics to write on:
    • Theology and its relation to church ministry and life.
    • Pursuing significant life.
    • Books.
    • Holiness (after all, I’m writing a book on the subject).
    • Millennials.
    • Your own awesome idea.
  • Posts should be no longer than 700 words (I can make exceptions but this is a good rule of thumb).
  • Posts should not have been posted in other spaces first. I’m looking for unique and original content.
  • In rare cases the writer must be willing to work with me on simple edits.

I’m really looking forward to sharing this space with other people and broadening our perspective on life and faith.

Please submit individual posts or short proposals to either my email (tybraun @ gmail dot com) or use the contact tab up above. If you have questions contact me using either one of those ways as well.