Every October many of the players on the baseball teams in the playoffs grow out beards until their playoff run comes to an end. I took my own little twist on this time-honored tradition by growing out a manuscript writing beard.
Being that I’m in Portland the beard didn’t really stand out too much. After all Portland is where the dream of the 1890s is alive and well. While most people I know seemed to hate the hairy thing, I grew to love it because I knew all that it meant.
The beard for me was a reminder that the hard work was not done. The beard was a reminder that despite any feelings of being tired and overwhelmed, I needed to continue pressing forward–I needed to continue to do the work. Through all the extra hair I saw all the struggle, tears, and triumphs that went into putting words onto countless pages of paper.
I made it through…
Starting a Beard September
Keep On Going October
No Shave November
Don’t Shave Decembeard
Jeeze He’s Crazy January
But alas, all good things must end.
Enjoy the video: