The Giving Artist and Why My Book is Free This Week

Yes it’s true. This week my book is free on all the main online book retailers. I’m also giving away multiple copies of the book to 10 people (info below).

You can scroll down to the button for links to get my book for free, but the first part of this post explains my rationale for why I’m giving the book away this week.

The free gift offer has expired but the desire to be an artist who gives gifts has not.

Branden Harvey is my favorite photographer on Instagram, an all-around awesome guy from Portland, and he designed this picture. Today he is graciously sharing a gift with you by making this picture (above) available to download onto your phone and/or computer.

Download the Desktop and Mobile Formats (zip file) || Download Only the Mobile Format

“To convert an idea into a commodity means, broadly speaking, to establish a boundary of some sort so that the idea cannot move from person to person without a toll or fee” (The Gift, Lewis Hyde, pg. 105).

I am a selfish artist. When I write, play music, or create just about anything, I immediately start to think about the benefits I’ll receive when people buy into it. In my dreams this usually amounted to some level of fame and jumping into a pool of money like in Duck Tales.

In publishing my first book I ran scenarios through my head that all ended up in me being able to buy a great house that would impress my wife. Sure I wanted readers to be challenged by holiness, but even greater than that was a desire to make much of me.

God Gives

All of this within me is in direct contradiction to how God interacts with us.

God gave to you knowing you would turn away from Him. You are only able to give because God first gave to you. You cannot give perfectly like God gives, but every time you choose generosity you give the world a glimpse of the Divine.

God doesn’t have a sale on grace and forgiveness. God isn’t giving based on needing a certain response. God doesn’t make deals where He gives but ultimately benefits. God gives.

What God does desire is for you to channel this same posture of giving in yourself. God gives to you so that you might also learn to give. In your broken state this does not come naturally. You have to fight to give great gifts.

God gave to you in creating this world. God gave in forming your body. God gave in redeeming your broken life.

“Every gift breaks the barrier between the sacred and the mundane and floods the mundane with the sacred. When a gift is given, life becomes extraordinary because God’s own gift giving flows through the giver” (Free of Charge, Volf, pg. 54).

What becomes clear now is that God instituted the need for giving. Giving is not only vital to the aspiring artist, but also to the human who seeks to live out the God within more truly.

My Gift to You

This week the ebook versions of my book will be available on most online book retailers for free (links to some of these retailers are at the bottom). A few weeks ago I approached my publisher with this idea. I shared with them my desire to give gifts and to equip people with my work without having the barrier of price. And so we pushed ahead with this idea, hoping that the book could bless many more without a cost associated to it.

Certainly you can assume I have ulterior motives if you would like. All I can do is share with you how God has impressed on me the role of giving gifts in the Christian life. I don’t have any motivation beyond that.

In culture today there is a myth believed by many that the things costing the most money bring the most satisfaction. I would amend that statement to read: the things that cost bring the most satisfaction. Anything of worth costs something, but it doesn’t have to be $.

This gift from me to you will still cost you something though. Your time, your energy, and ultimately your surrender to God’s work in your life. My hope is that this high cost will bring immense satisfaction.

Great gifts extend beyond the giver and receiver. Great gifts advance or start a friendship. In other words, great gifts are never scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours exchanges.

Great gifts alter the trajectory of life. (tweet this?)

My hope for this gift is that it will initiate a connection between you and me, and that this connection starting gift will extend beyond us as well.

I know many of you have purchased your own copy of the ebook for much higher than the price of $0.00 and if this is a concern please get in touch with me so that I can make it right for you.

All I ask from you is that you share this with as many of your friends as possible so they can get the book as well. I’m only one man and I need your help in reaching others with this gift.

Possible Tweets:

  • If you love free books, don’t miss this gift from @tylerbraun. (tweet this)
  • I just got @tylerbraun’s book for free. Come read about why he’s giving it away. (tweet this)

One More Special Offer

*The first 10 people who download the free ebook and post a review of the book on their blog or Facebook page will get a free paperback copy of the book sent to them*

Just contact me after the review is posted so I can get your address.

The ebook will be free on most online retailers through Friday of this week.

Links to online retailers carrying the book for free are below.