Trying this Again

I’ve started this post 5 different ways, and none of them felt right. How do you approach people you haven’t seen/talked to you in so long? A hug, maybe? Hugs, friends.

Yes, I’m back after 6 weeks away.

The break was everything I needed it to be. I was in a bad place, probably a lot worse than I let on to here. Not ready to quit everything, but questioning the value and purpose of it all.

I had a handful of honest conversations, people I could be honest with in a healthy way. I’m so grateful for my Tuesday morning men who prayed with me every week. I’m grateful for conversations with my dad, my wife, Kyle, Paul, and J.R.—grateful for each in different ways, each helping me process through different levels of my angst, frustrations, doubts, and hopes.

And I’m also grateful for the people who reached out in various ways in the past 6 weeks: elders at my church who personally prayed with me, friends who got in touch, several meals with long-time friends who were concerned, and church members who spoke of their thankfulness for my involvement in their lives. All of it was heard, and all of it was needed.

Is everything back to normal? I have no idea, honestly. Life has changed too much in the past 6 months for there to be an old normal. I’m moving forward in the current reality with a new understanding of how I can engage in a way that keeps me like a tree planted by the River.

I’ll spare you a post about the “6 things I learned about social media by quitting for 6 weeks” post. For one, it’s a bit too obvious. For another, I think I got the better end of the deal, because I’ve yet to read a single opinion about the SCOTUS ruling on same-sex marriage. That, friends, is a MAJOR win for me.

It’s impossible for me to encapsulate everything God has brought to the forefront for me in the past 6 weeks, so I’m not going to try.

It’s good to be back friends.