This new episode of Called Out features a conversation I had with AJ Swoboda, an author, professor, and pastor from Portland. Although I’ve connected with AJ quite a bit when we were both pastoring in Portland, I also grew up int he same town as AJ. We went to the same high school, same church, and same youth group, though we were 3 years apart. Small!
I talked with AJ about how he went from being a music and drama student to a pastor, what ministry in the urban core of Portland is like, and why he’s published a book on the importance of Sabbath rest.
You can listen to the full episode below (click here email readers).
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Other links from the episode:
-AJ’s new book Subversive Sabbath (out this week!)
-AJ’s church in Portland, Theophilus
–Links to all of the other books AJ has published.
-Theme music by Shoring.