The post is a part of a larger series of posts all focused on the topic of the hour before church begins for a worship leader (check out some of the other posts too, there’s lots of good ones). Each post takes a different look and perspective into what goes on for them the hour…
All posts in worship
Anyone Can Make Fun of the Worship Leader
For some reason, worship leaders have a bit of a bad reputation. Whether it be in classes, on blogs, or just in conversations, I hear all the time about how most worship leaders just try to look cool without really knowing anything about leading a corporate gathering of worship. The rock genre of most worship…
Churches Who Sing Well
I recently listened to a talk Keith Getty gave a few months back in Chicago. Keith is a well-known songwriter of contemporary hymns and a worship leader. He said a lot of things worth checking out if you listen to the whole talk (link to his talk on corporate worship leading) but one part specifically…
Palm Sunday Worship
I had the opportunity to lead worship at my church’s morning gatherings yesterday. I also led at our high school group last night but talking about all of those would be too long for even me to read. Here’s a look at the setlist: For All You’ve Done (Hillsong) Responsive Reading (I put this together…
On Liturgy
One of shifts in the local church during the modern/mega church movement was a move away from the use of liturgy in weekly worship gatherings. I grew up in this movement and honestly didn’t even know what liturgy was until I was in college. Liturgy was deemed to be more of an “insider” type of…
My Worship Leader Toolbox
I get asked about once a week from someone what resources I use as a worship leader to find songs, schedule the band, find liturgical readings, and everything else that goes with leading worship week in and week out throughout the year. So I thought I’d throw together a list of resources. Some I use…