Dear Church, Old People Matter

In the process of watching hundreds of music videos of church songs for, I realized that the overwhelming majority of the people in the videos are 35 years old and younger. Here’s just a few different examples. The church has long had an obsession with youth culture in its attempt to stay “relevant,” and in…

The Church and White Privilege

History may view this statement as hyperbole, but I’ll go for it anyway: The events taking place in Ferguson are a watershed moment for racial reconciliation (or the lack thereof) in America. And if the church stands idly by as this watershed moment takes place the Gospel will be further relegated to a place of obscurity…

Unity in Divisive Times

If you’ve spent any amount of time online this week you’ve heard the news about World Vision choosing to now hire gay individuals who are in same-sex marriages, and then reversing their decision two days later. From bloggers from all perspectives, a vast amount of online ink has been spilled voicing opinions (if you’re trying…