Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is often thought of as an individual struggle, yet it also invades systems and relationships, leaving not just people but whole communities stuck in its grip. Steve Cuss helps identify why anxiety affects people and groups but also practical steps forward to loosen anxiety’s grip, like therapy or using medicine such as a london…

The Three

1. My friend and fellow Moody author Rhett Smith recently wrote a great article for Relevant Magazine on marriage and the struggle many of us have with what commitment in marriage truly is. He hones in on the phrase “two becoming one” to discuss how difficult it really can be, something mostly overlooked by couples…

The Three

1. Tom Lin spoke at a conference in Austin, TX last week where he focused on church leadership within the American church but went in a totally different and refreshing direction than I’m used to hearing. By focusing on how the American church makes leadership sexy without teaching the importance of suffering, I believe Tom…