Throughout much of my time as a pastor I’ve been viewed as a young leader who should have insight into what “young people” want from a church. What makes people come to a church? What makes them stay? Whether I have any helpful insight on these questions remains to be seen, but I have been asked them too many…
All posts tagged community
A Church For the Community
In days long ago churches were built within neighborhoods, and were placed strategically as a unifying place and focal point for those within a certain community. As cars and mass transportation were introduced our understanding of a neighborhood has expanded greatly, and our church-going habits have changed along with it. Instead of walking to the church…
“See You Next Sunday!”
As a pastor I focus a consistent amount of my time toward connecting the unconnected, and then deepening the connected, within the church body. I want to focus on the first piece of this today (connecting the unconnected), and specifically I have in mind people who are new to the Christian faith, or new to…
The Danger of Recognition
I follow over 1,000 people on Twitter, and a good amount of those people I would describe as friends. Sure, we’ve likely never met face to face, but I put enough effort to engage conversations with them, that I sense that I know them. I could pick them out of a crowd, and sit down…
Who You’re Becoming Isn’t Your Decision
“I have no need for friendship; friendship causes pain. Its laughter and its loving I disdain. I am a rock. I am an island.” -Simon and Garfunkle — I recently shared to the youth at my church about how I believed I could tell them what they would be like in 5 years if I knew…
3 Reasons You Should Keep Your Job
Over the past few years much has been made of quitting your job. Whether you hate the grind of 9 to 5, or 8 to 5, or you just hate that you aren’t your own boss, there’s an overwhelming amount of material available that encourages you to quit your job so you can do the…