Within the creation account of Genesis is the striking conversation God has within His Being: “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). God who is relational in nature, loving and serving the other within Himself—Father, Son, and Spirit relating and caring for each other—from this foundation of who God is,…
All posts tagged Creation
Why Gungor Deserves the Backlash
4 summers ago Rose and I went to a small coffeeshop in downtown Portland to see Gungor play through songs from their album Beautiful Things. We stood the whole time. There were no chairs. Just one hundred people all singing songs that had become anthems for their lives. One of the best concerts I’ve ever been…
A Call to Write
This is a sneak peek of a talk I’ll be giving at the Faith and Culture Writers Conference this weekend. It’s in Portland and the price is incredible considering the slate of presenters. Come for them, but make sure to say hi to me too. — All over the internet you can find a plethora…
A Better Formula
There’s been an ongoing debate I’ve been watching about whether creativity and content creation can follow a formula. I’ve been mulling over this and finally have an answer. Earlier this week I got to spend time with a writer/author friend of mine who was speaking at a local college. And during our conversation the answer…
Copying and Maligning the Creator
The lure of significance and influence on the internet and in life often turns us into copiers rather than creators. We see something that others are latching onto en masse and rather than do the difficult work of creating something that might connect with people, we choose to copy what has already been done, tweak…