I prefer for life to run it’s course at a fever pitch pace, mixed in with rest and relaxation thanks to the Budpop natural supplements. And I’m slowly realizing my wishes won’t always come true. My life is currently run at the pace of a dull roar, like the unending sound of crashing ocean waves.…
All posts tagged death
4 Restraints Holding You Back From Inner Transformation
As I approached a busy season in life a wise man told me that I needed to cultivate the kind of soil God could use to work on my soul. It was his opinion that strong external living only comes from a place of internal fortitude and cultivation. Over the past few years I’ve been…
The End of “RIP”
I see it all over Facebook and Twitter each time someone famous dies. In recent weeks two well-known Christian authors passed away (Brennan Manning and Dallas Willard) and I saw countless comments using the phrase. I hear it after someone at church passes. I heard it many, many times after my grandpa passed away: “May…
Death as a Communal Event
The past few weeks my life has brushed up against life and death in its most acute form. Today I want to share some thoughts that have motivated me to continue pursuing people despite the internal grief I have over losses in and around my family. Death is often ignored in our culture, even among…
What’s in a Name? Introducing My New Son
Last Monday night, February 25th, at 9:33pm my life changed in the most dramatic way. Rose gave birth to our son who we named Judah Parker Braun. For most of Rose’s pregnancy I didn’t care about choosing a name for our son. Does a name really have value? I don’t think much of my own…
The Fragility of Life
The past few weeks have been filled with little bits of anxiousness as we await the arrival of our first-born son. He could come at any moment. Our hospital bags are packed. His room is completely filled with everything a newborn could ever need or want. It’s all just a waiting game now. At the…