Who Is Your God?

This week has done the necessary job of exposing idols. At one moment many are decrying a demoralizing outcome, only to see a shift in votes followed by a complete reversal of outlook. When an outcome determines your outlook it has become a god in your life. A question I’ve been asking people in conversation…

Knowing God

I drove by a church readerboard last week that said, To know God is to love God. Simple enough, right? A little pithy. Maybe too simple, but memorable. Initially, I didn’t think much of the philosophical/theological/epistemological statement. In a sense, it’s absolutely true. You can’t love something, or more specifically someone, you don’t know. Yet,…

When God Is Hard to See

Note from Tyler: This is a continuation from previous posts inspired by Ronald Rolheiser’s book Sacred Fire. Be sure to check out parts ONE (on pride) and TWO (on the temptation of a 2nd honeymoon) along with this one. We’ll finish this short series next week.  Previously we explored two pitfalls of what Rolheiser describes as…

How Do I Find My Calling? (thoughts on the poor questions we ask)

You may have noticed, everyone is talking about calling. You can find articles written about calling on nearly every major online website. I went to Relevant Magazine yesterday, and sure enough one of their most popular articles was on calling. They publish about one a week on calling. You can’t really blame them, because publishing organizations…