The recent Netflix documentary The Great Hack has once again brought internet privacy into focus as a vital discussion within our society today. More than likely you’ve had a friend on Facebook post something along the lines of: Deadline tomorrow!!! Everything you’ve ever posted becomes public from tomorrow…Channel 13 News talked about the change in…
All posts tagged shame
Healing the Scars of Shame
Last weekend I spoke at our church on the subject of shame, a subject that holds lots of history for me personally. If you’ve read my book and know pieces of the story of my sin-ridden past, you know that I’ve walked the cycle of shame: sin, and guilt, which leads to hiding instead of confession…
Pointing Fingers As People Walk Out the Back Door
Pastors are weary of what they call “the back door”—the people who leave without saying anything, giving the pastor no idea of why. The back door is one reason church life is difficult. People who you have given your life for sometimes leave at the drop of a hat. I’ve seen something interesting happen online…
The Defining Characteristic of Millennials
We’ve all been guilty of something before. Whether it’s sin or just a silly mistake, all humans know the feeling of guilt the comes after falling short of the ideal. Sometimes the downward spiral ends at guilt, as we confess our sin to God and those we’ve hurt, in order for restoration and healing to…