So You Want to Be a Mentor?

Yesterday the interim teaching pastor at my church, Jay Barber, gave a message on mentoring. Spiritual mentoring is one of four key values my church has identified as important in a person’s spiritual growth. For the last year and a half I’ve been on what we’ve called the “Mentor Team” assisting staff and volunteers as…

Palm Sunday Worship

I had the opportunity to lead worship at my church’s morning gatherings yesterday. I also led at our high school group last night but talking about all of those would be too long for even me to read. Here’s a look at the setlist: For All You’ve Done (Hillsong) Responsive Reading (I put this together…

When Outsiders Come To Church

This past weekend we had a few pagan bloggers come to my church (oh the horror!!!). They are the two writers that make up the new blog out of Portland titled Year of Sundays. Essentially they’re going to different churches around Portland every Sunday for the entire year. And they don’t hold back on any…