I firmly believe the advice that you must write for others, so it makes sense that writers often care about the level of traction their writing gets. They focus on the amount of hits to their blog, or the amount of times people share their words into various spaces. And in this world of seeking attention it’s easy…
All posts tagged writing
Looking Back
I can’t think of a more life-altering year, than 2013 was for me. Throughout the year, despite having any number of excuses to quit, I held myself to writing consistently. In fact, on a number of occasions I think writing helped me stay sane, cause operating on very little sleep for weeks on end starts…
The Pain of Going Public With Your Words
It’s been 14 months since I released my first ever published book. The whole project kind of fell into my lap—it was never something I pursued until I sensed God leading that direction. The publisher came to me. The idea came from a friend. The format of the book changed because of a friend. Honestly,…
A Guide to Changing How You Read Online
In case you didn’t know, people read differently online than they do offline, me included. And more than likely you as well. People have shorter attention spans reading online. Online readers scan, and a small percentage of them end up reading the entirety of any article they begin. So you know the drill by now,…
One Conversation Can Change Your Life
Email is a bad form of communication but I rely on it. Email is a bad form of communication because it’s incredibly stale. It lacks personal connection. A year ago I sent an email to 10 friends of mine who are prominent writers and/or authors. I heard back from 2 of those friends. I’m not…
A Call to Write
This is a sneak peek of a talk I’ll be giving at the Faith and Culture Writers Conference this weekend. It’s in Portland and the price is incredible considering the slate of presenters. Come for them, but make sure to say hi to me too. — All over the internet you can find a plethora…