Well as I shared on the fortuitous bouncing post, Portland is in for some wild weather (at least by Portland standards). I can count on one hand (since I moved here 13 years ago) how many times we have been below freezing for more than 1 day in a row. I can also count on one hand how many times it has snowed and also been below 32 degrees.
The usual norm for us is to get “wet snow” at about 34 degrees. It lasts on the ground for 3 hours and we move on. That happens about once or twice every winter. If it ever gets really cold (meaning below 32), then it is usually clear and sunny.
So this weather we have now is breaking all the norms.
Today the temperature has dropped from 35 (when I woke up at 7am) to what is now 22 and getting lower (it is 4pm). That entire time it has been snowing off and on.
It is also pretty windy, so the windchill is about 10 degrees. I think that is the first time since I moved here that I actually cared what the windchill was. The theme of the day has been cold and blowing snow. A nice change of pace around here.
Now for some pictures to help explain.
The fun part of my day was to take Rose to work (and pick her up in a few hours). Chains are technically required on all Oregon highways for the rest of today, but I’ll just say I “forgot”. I braved it without chains just fine.
Despite the wind and the cold, I think snow is always the perfect change of pace. It slows everything down.

Feel free to put a link in the comments to the pictures you have posted of your snow day.
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