Over Christmas break I read a book titled On the Side of the Angels. It is a book about justice, human rights, and kingdom mission. One of the authors works with dalits in India. One part really stung:
“If we claim to be Spirit-filled but lack a burning desire for justice, all we really have is an experiential merry-go-round, a self-indulgent emotionalism. And if our Christian journey involves no more than bouncing from one charismatic conference to the next, engaging in prayer and requesting healing week after week with little transformation, we are abusing the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. God gives us his Spirit for a purpose – so that we will bear fruit, because we are equipped to do his work.”
I would say that this kind of statement is true, but is a somewhat slanted theology. It says that justice is the only way to bear fruit. Seems a little narrow to me. With all that said, I think that few Christians (including me) are taking the reality of this statement to heart.