Social Media Is About Me

Spend a while on the various social media networks that exist and it becomes quite obvious who is in social media to build up themselves. They only talk about their blog posts or they never talk with the people who are trying to talk with them or they are constantly asking for prayer without ever acknowledging the people who are praying for them or they’re only pushing their latest book.

In the 2 week intensive course I’m taking over the next 2 weeks we’ve been talking about how the way leaders lead conveys their theology, even when they don’t intend for it to do so.

I think the same principle applies for how we engage with social media. How we use social media conveys things about us whether we intend for them to do so or not. Call it judgmental but perception matters. It actually matters a lot.

I wonder how many of us would act completely different on these networks if no one was watching. Would we really always try to be funny? Would we always share our deep secrets? The answer might be yes for you, but I do think we often act a certain way on social networks because we know people are watching.

Social media has the power to do a lot of wonderful things, but it also has the ability to tell others that you think social media is all about you.

I know I’ve been guilty of selfish motives on social networks before, have you?