Think my title is a little over the top?
Check this out:
“In a recent survey of 1,000 church attenders, respondents were asked, ‘Why does the church exist?’ According to 89 percent, the church’s purpose was ‘to take care of my family’s and my spiritual needs.’ Only 11 percent said the purpose of the church is ‘to win the world for Jesus Christ.’” – Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California.
Rather than rehash a lot of what Bob Hyatt has already said, I’ll point you towards his post. To me, it is a must read.
I do think there is a role of the church in meeting the needs of the community around and within. However, I do have a problem with the poll results from Greg Laurie’s church (my sister attends there sometimes when she is in school).
I am curious though…
According to you…
Why does the church exist? Or why does your local church exist?
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