I heard many with the opinion that what was previously happening in Egypt wasn’t newsworthy. I understand what was trying to be said, but I think what happened there has laid the groundwork for what we see happening in Libya and plenty of other countries. The Middle East will never be the same. Check out some pictures from Libya, amazing.
A few days ago most Portland weather forecasters were predicting a major snowstorm (major for Portland) of around 4 to 6 inches of snow. Come Thursday morning we got about an inch that melted away in 3 hours. At least it was enough to cancel school. Gotta love the PNW 🙂
- Thought provoking post: “Why Do We Have Children?”
- An open letter to pastors from Noel Helkkinen: “I’m so mad that sin can topple years of hard work and devotion in an instant.  At the same time, I take solace knowing that while individual men may fall, the gates of hell will not prevail against Jesus’ church.”
- Enjoyed John Stackhouse’s take on honorariums for Christian speakers. Too often the sacrifice for service to the body goes under-appreciated.
- Favorite post of the week: “For the first time in my life and ministry, I was depressed. Not just down. Not just discouraged. Depressed. It had been coming for months, and it lasted for months.”
- I could careless about the Daytona 500 or anything car racing for that matter, but I loved reading about this year’s winner and what he plans to do with the money.
- Great post from Chris Brogan on social media etiquette, I agree with him about pretty much everything.
- Join me in the National Day of Unplugging from sundown next Friday until sundown the next day.
- Men. Seriously. Do. Not. Propose. In. A. Foodcourt. At. A. Mall. That’s. Dumb.
Strength and Honor.