Fortuitous Bouncing

Today will be the first 80-degree day in Portland since October 2010. Finally.

Not only is Rubio coming to the Twolves next season, the Twins have also won 2 games in a row. As a Minnesota sports fan, it’s the little things that count.

I’ll stick with my early prediction with the Heat in 6. It’s actually good they fell a part Thursday night otherwise it would have been a sweep.

Blogs and News (one category, which should tell you I had a crazy week)

  1. Great post from Bruce on pastoral transitions in a social media world. I’m encouraged that he and his church gave social media this much thought and consideration.
  2. Though I’m not a parent, I’ve really been enjoying the Introverted Parenting series Adam is doing, especially this post on parenting as a spiritual discipline.
  3. Nice infographic on the “Facebook Effect on Relationships.”
  4. You won’t see many home runs longer than this one all year.
  5. Not many people will tackle this category even though it needs much more discussion than it is being given. “A Bridge Too Far…” // A post on the gap between youth group and adult church.
  6. People went ballistic on Urban Outfitters last week, but maybe they jumped the gun just a little.
  7. So funny.
  8. Kyle says he shouldn’t have gone to college. Read why.

I intend to enjoy the sunshine today. Hope you get some of it as well.
