American Idol Thought- David Archuleta really is not that good. If you want another Clay Aiken, vote for him. If you want a true star, vote for David Cook.
- Get the most out of blogging by oversubscribing. Start here 🙂
- Part 6 of: 10 Things Good Worship Leaders Do.
- Postmoderns like traditional more than contemporary.
- Chris Sligh says David Archuleta is overpraised. I’m glad he agrees with me.
- Eugene Cho has a blog on Rob Bell and women in leadership. I’m in the conversation within the comments. Check it out.
- Thanks to all of you commented on the who are you post. There were a lot of you that I had no clue read this. Very cool. Many more of you need to go back here because you didn’t leave a comment.
- Check out this Emergent Village video on “cohorts”. Anyone want to join me for the next Portland cohort get together?
- Should we teach lifeboat theology or Noah’s ark theology?
- Shane Claiborne is awesome.
We’re introducing this song Sunday at Sunset. I CAN’T WAIT!!!