Fortuitous Bouncing

Made my first iced mocha yesterday. I guess spring is finally here, even if it only lasts a couple days.

One unforeseen downside to not having cable is having to listen to the local broadcasters for all Blazer playoff games. They’re awful and the epitome of homers for their team. In fact you can take just about everything they say and know that the complete opposite is true.


  1. Why Bad News is Really Good News. Luther on Good Friday. “Death and resurrection is a pattern for all of life.”
  2. Carlos says all churches lean towards teaching those inside or reaching those outside. Do you agree?
  3. Great quote: “What I say I believe and know about Jesus is only meaningful when I put it into action through service.” The problem becomes when Christians have a narrow view of what service really is.
  4. Love this post from Steve McCoy on the “front porch hack.” Churches need to be discussing these types of ideas for missional living.
  5. Death in His Grave is one of the great new songs with a distinctly Easter feel to it. John Mark explains the whole song, line by line. Who says people don’t write strong theological songs anymore?
  6. My favorite post of the week.


He is Risen.