It’s a little early to get too excited, but the Twins have a chance to make one of the more improbable comebacks in regular season MLB history. They’ve gone from being one of the worst teams I’ve ever seen play, to one of the best…in about 2 weeks.
Rose left this morning for Honduras with a group of high school students from our church. She’s been a small group leader for a group of graduating senior girls for the past 4 years and now has an opportunity to serve down there with them. It’s the 4th time I’ve been home alone without her for at least a week over the past year. Pray for her and pray I don’t burn the house down.
- Blog style writing and how it’s a good writing technique gone wrong. “There are countless blogs our there with writers who are trying to convey their personal, God-given conviction through a series of lists! There is no heart behind the content; just databases of information that lack emotion and changing-power.”
- Kyle has a great thing he’s putting together for mentoring. Go take part.
- Bob Kauflin spent time at Sojourn Church last weekend and wrote a post this week about why he loves the church. I’ve been so blessed by their blog/albums and Bob nails so much of what makes them wonderful.
- The #1 way a young leader can gain influence.
- The Year of Sundays blog is back at it with a tough post on City Bible Church in Portland.
More Blogs
- James MacDonald says congregational government in churches is from Satan (no joke). In other news, he clearly hasn’t read my post on sensationalism.
- My favorite post of the week, a CNN post on Christians and adoption in America. An absolute must-read: “It is time Christians decide to either step up or shut up. If a Christian group wants to wade into the discussion over who should adopt, it needs to put its money and manpower where its mouth is.”
- Win a copy of a new and great book Earthen Vessels.
- Rachel says, “Blessed are the Un-Cool.”
Grace and Peace.