A Secular Age

We are embedded in and overwhelmed by a world that is increasingly secular—a world without a need for God—leaving many Christians at a loss for how to navigate being people of faith. Listen in as Andrew Root helps navigate these tumultuous times for Christians looking for a way forward. Andrew Root is a professor at…

Fuel for The Way

This is the final post in a series walking through Ronald Rolheiser’s book Sacred Fire, which profiles what he calls the 2nd or mature stage of discipleship with Jesus. The first two posts look at two separate pitfalls common during this stage (pride and the temptation of a 2nd honeymoon), and the previous post looked…

Redeeming Wanderlust

Rather than a life of Instagram worthy wanderlust, becoming a follower of Jesus is a humble embrace of a pilgrim path. On this episode Michelle Van Loon walks through what it looks like to follow Jesus while maintaining a status of an exiled wanderer in the world. Michelle is a wonderful writer and storyteller with…