Topical Vs. Exegetical Preaching

Kurt and I were recently talking about topical and exegetical preaching. I saw this video and showed it him to, and that framed our conversation (RSS readers you can watch it here): [youtube=] Topical preaching: Looks at what the whole of the Bible has to say on a specific subject. Speaks directly to subjects relating…


I’ve been reading The Cost of Discipleship by Bonhoeffer the past few weeks. It has been recommended to me so many times that I finally decided to pick it up used at Powells a while back. And now I know why it was recommended…phenomenal, just phenomenal book (and I’m only 2 chapters in). So far…

Reaching Those Detached from Church

Part One // A Culture of Confession Part Two // The Problem with Salvation and Forgiving Grace We’ve been looking at confession in the context of the local church gathering, and also how our view of salvation affects our ability to experience forgiveness in confession. It is something that God has been working on in…

A Culture of Confession

My favorite moment in church ministry was April 5th of this year. During a few silent moments during the opening of the church service, we had people anonymously write their personal confessions on a piece of paper. We collected all these writings and selected a good amount of them to be read aloud during Communion.…